Heather Davis

Fun and Learning – A Great Team
Heather gives her students a chance to have fun while learning valuable
financial concepts. Her class divides into teams to participate
in an online interactive stock market simulation. Each team picks
a leader, and together they choose which stocks to invest in.
Research is the Key
Prior to the start of the project, students start getting acquainted
with the functioning of the stock market, reading the Wall Street
Journal and learning stock-based lessons in class. During the
project, students are free to do research during class time,
researching potential stock purchases and checking their portfolio
Future Financial Success
Students who complete the project have valuable investment skills
that will benefit them later in life, including an understanding
of the positive and negative consequences of different investment
Students also learn how to work in a team environment, which will
be vital to the rest of their lives…until they become independently
wealthy in the stock market.