Susanne Durkin-Schindler

Skills Taught The material includes lessons on Budgeting, Decision-Making and Goal Setting, Savvy Consumerism, First Time Home Buying, Mortgages, Credit and Credit Scores, What to Do if You're in Trouble and Investments 101.
Method of Teaching
I used PowerPoint and overhead presentations, practical
examples from the news and guest speakers.
Secrets of My Success
I have used the Practical Money Skills lesson plans as
the base for my teaching and have adapted the materials to the needs
of my students.
I believe that decision-making is very important to making good financial decisions, which is why it is the first lesson I teach.
The Benefits of Financial Literacy
Students are energized and empowered. They feel hopeful
and more in control of their lives. I have been asked to continue
the class with men and women on probation. The intent is to keep
them out of financial trouble so they will not be desperate enough
to commit a crime.